Everybody knows how to play tic-tac-toe. I used this game to review superlative with my teen students but it can be used for just about anything. All you have to do is adapt it to what you're teaching. A friend from work gave me the idea to use popsicle sticks (thanks Candice). You can use small paper squares for the exes and circles. It would be best to have students write the words on the paper themselves. The more they do the better. In this picture I used bottle tops, which I am forever saving. After they played the game a few times, they had to come up with sentences in the superlative of the words they used to play. I placed each tic-tac-toe set in plastic bags and handed them out to pairs. If you have time, the class can rotate around the room and play all the sets; each one had different words on them.
Easy ESL/EFL paper activities https://www.youtube.com/user/Dedete36