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Showing posts from December, 2020

Cookies ‘n’ Math

 I had to teach some basic math vocabulary to a bilingual group and what better way to get kids interested in math than with cookies, even if they are made of paper. I used the inside of a cereal box to draw 6 cookies and drew from 1 up to 6 chocolate chips on the cookies. I drew the minus, plus, times and equals signs on small pieces of paper and also made a cute paper pocket to store the whole set. Students made the cookie sets in one class and each student got to present a different math problem for the class to read and answer in the following class.  I added all the steps for them to make the chocolate cookie math set onto my slides and even added some cookie math problems for them to answer so they would know what they had to do with their chocolate cookies. It was all easy and fun, plus they could save their cookie math sets to be used at other moments with their families, friends or in another class. It would be a nice touch to have them make real cookies in another cl...

3D Spring Tree

My first grade group has been studying seasons. We made this 3D paper tree to reinforce spring vocabulary. Even though we are still having online classes, it was pretty easy for them to follow along. I used a peice of cardboard I had as the base for the tree. I also used half of a tea box so I could stand my tree up. My students didn't have the same colors of paper I had but all the trees cames out great.